RE: Should Pakistan be a secular state?


“Secular can’t be viewed as a successor to religion neither can be seen as on the side of rational. It is a category, with multilayered history related to major premises of modernity, democracy, and concepts of human rights.” These words are taken from an article named, “Should Pakistan be a secular state?” written by Ayesha Khalid. These words might sound practical, but I have to ask: “why blame Islam for what’s happening in Pakistan?”

With no offense to anyone let me made this clear first for my readers that this is not a counter article – I just want to express my views. Mr. Jinnah, the first Governor General of Pakistan, declared himself the Protector General of the Hindu community and attended the church to reassure the minorities of their inclusion in the Pakistani nation. These are his significant words addressing the first Presidential address to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, “You are free; you are free to go to your temples. You are free to go to your mosques or any other places of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion, caste or creed –that has nothing to do with the business of the State,”

Pakistan was created in the name of Islam, and no one can deny that. “Muslim hay tou Muslim League main aah” was not only a political slogan but a serious matter of life and death for the Muslims of the subcontinent. However, Islam has been under discussion and criticism due to violent behavior of some extremist religious parties who were once a long time ago against the creation of Pakistan.

Mr. Jinnah once said that “No doubt, many people do not quite appreciate when we talk of Islam. Islam is not only a set of rituals, traditions, and spiritual doctrines. Islam is also a code for every Muslim, which regulates his life and his conduct in even politics and economics and the like. It is based upon highest principles of honor, integrity, fair play and justice for all.”

I’ve seen people criticizing the role of religion and state as if Islam is the root of all the problems with the instability in Pakistan. Everywhere in this world things happen, we need to observe and see things through bigger perspective. Islam has nothing to do with instability in Pakistan.

Maybe we still aren’t willing to take the blame on ourselves for this unrest in Pakistan. Some criticize the role of democracy, others want Sharia law, and others aren’t sure about the real cause of this instability. People talk about imposing secularism as if secularism has the magic key to solve all the problems occurring in Pakistan.

But I conclude with these words of the founder of Pakistan, “Remember! We are building up a State, which is going to play its full part in the destinies of the whole Islamic World.”




  1. For the well being of all, for the sake of justice, equality and fair play, for the sake of society at peace with itself, Pakistan must by necessity become a secular state, it is not a matter of making a choice any more, it is an indispensable necessity. Apart from ritual prayers, there is nothing Islamic about Pakistan. Both the rulers and the ruled have become incorrigibly corrupt, their actions and deeds defile Islam on daily basis.
    The idea of a secular state was born as a result mayhem, spilled blood and catastrophe endured by the people during one hundred years religious war in Europe.

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