Inappropriate jobs to youth hamper development: minister


Punjab Finance Minister Dr.Ayesha Ghaus Pasha said on Saturday that non-availability of jobs to the youth according to their educational qualifications was a hurdle in development as youngsters lack the skills demanded by the market.

Speaking at CFO Summit-2016 held under the aegis of Institute of Cost and Management Accounts Pakistan (ICMAP) at a local hotel, she said that harmonising the youth according to the demands of present era was vital for increasing growth rate and reducing poverty ratio.

We cannot afford to destroy the future of more than half of our population, she said.

Dr. Ayesha said Punjab government was expanding sales tax and property tax net for increasing its own resources, adding that Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) had introduced a transparent system of receipt of revenues which had substantially increased the receipts.

Besides vocational training, she added, special attention would be paid to education, agriculture and health sectors.

Punjab is an agrarian province and its development depends on agriculture, therefore, the government is brining best package for farmers that will redress their problems and increase their resources, thus enabling them to produce best production and play their role in enhancing growth rate of Punjab, she maintained.

The minister said that ICMA was rendering best services in this regard and a large number of financial experts were proving their metal in public and private sectors.

The chief financial officers are not only responsible for supervision of financial matters and controlling irregularities in the institutions but also for bringing positive change in the trade system and reorganization of the institutions, she added.

The FCMA Syed Ahmad Ashraf, President ICMA Kashif Mateen Ansari and Principal National University of Science and Technology Ashfaq Hassan Khan also spoke on the occasion.

At the end of the seminar, the management presented souvenir to Dr. Ayesha Ghaus Pasha.


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