Illegal fishing in Rawal Lake goes unchecked




Illegal fishing in Rawal Lake is going on unabated in sheer violation of the ban imposed by the Agriculture and Fisheries Department of the Islamabad Capital Territory.

A number of fish stall owners at adjoining roads of the lake openly say that they are selling fish hunted from the Rawal Lake which clearly indicates that the activity was being carried out by many as source of income.

On the contrary visitors who come for recreational activates have to pay a heavy licence fee according to a visitor Arshad Muneer, “Videos of illegal fishing had been posted on the social websites which also prove that illegal activity continues”.

Floating nets and ropes in the lake were also proof that illegal fishing is being done under the nose of fisheries department, said Majid another visitor.

Khan, a frequent visitor to the spot said it wasn’t possible for anyone fish here without help and involvement of the department. He also said that fishery equipments are confiscated only when complaints are lodged but later returned to grab money.

When contacted, Deputy Director ICT Fisheries Department Ishtiaq Ahmed said that his department was doing its best to control illegal fishing. He said recently an FIR was registered against seven people who attacked the vigilance staff of the department. Moreover three complaints for registration of FIRs are pending with the concerned police stations and still it was a fact that illegal fishing was going on as the department lacked necessary staff and equipment.

To a question, he said that one of the two boats of the department was out of order and only eight watchmen were working while eight posts were vacant. He said due to staff shortage, the watchers had to do extra duties.