Height of hypocrisy


A Punjab provincial minister has directed the district administrations to remain on high alert for coping with any emergent situation arising due to monsoon so that complete protection to the life and property of the people could be provided.

This is sheer hypocrisy, knowing that there is no check on the flood waters of Kabul, Chitral, Swat, Haro and Soan rivers from devastating most of south Punjab and many parts of Sindh and Balochistan like they do every year.

The minister should have apologized to the people and said that we are sorry we cannot protect your life and property because Sindh and K-P will not allow a dam to be built at Kalabagh which will protect you.

Politicised opposition to Kalabagh dam is because of totally unfounded apprehensions which are pointed out repeatedly in letters to the editor, why the editors don’t take notice and take the politicians to task on this when they do so on every other topic.

It is only the media which can educate public opinion on an issue on which depends the very survival of the country.

