Danish solutions for Pakistan’s water challenges



Pakistan with its 200 million inhabitants is experiencing rapid urbanisation and industrial development. Its population is facing a water challenge. Currently, it is the world’s 26th most water-stressed country, where 35 per cent of the population lacks access to safe water. By 2025, the population is expected to cross 250 million, reducing Pakistan’s per capita annual availability of water to 660 cubic meters.

To explore solutions for Pakistan’s water challenges, the Royal Danish Embassy hosted a reception in collaboration with world-renowned water solutions provider, Grundfos, a Danish company. Leading development organisations, water authorities and corporate players with a strong CSR focus attended the reception and subsequent meetings.

As an answer to Pakistan’s water challenge, Grundfos introduced its AQtap Water ATMs solution. Speaking on the occasion, Danish Commercial Counselor Assar Qureshi said, “I am exceedingly proud to see that Grundfos is now enlarging its presence here in Pakistan and introducing Grundfos AQtap. Thanks to its strategic partnerships with Pakistani companies, Grundfos is present as a full line supplier of pumping solutions to the Industry. Grundfos’ sustainable solutions are an excellent example of how development and trade go hand-in-hand and in line with the Danish government’s emphasis on moving from ‘aid to trade’ in Pakistan”.

In brief, the Grundfos AQtap is a water dispenser, yet much more than a water tap. The product includes smartcards where consumers can store their water credits. The dispenser also includes a cloud-based water management system that processes the operational data into reports and logs. It is possible for users to purchase new water credits directly via their mobile phone where mobile banking is deployed. In totality, the Grundfos AQtap offers a complete platform for revenue collection. This value proposition will enable the financial and operational sustainability of water operations by water utilities and NGOs.

Grundfos Global Product Manager Jesper Lorenzen, who had come from Denmark to Islamabad to attend the reception, said that he sees major opportunities to expand business in Pakistan. He said, “With AQtap, we are introducing an innovative solution that ensures the financial sustainability of water development in Pakistan. I am proud to witness this strong interest and we will work closely with customers and partners to release the full potential of the innovation.”

Combined with Grundfos proven pump technology as well as the Grundfos AQpure complementary water treatment units, it is possible to deliver a complete water supply that will be sustainable in the long run, transparent and financially viable.

Sales Manager Pakistan Nasir Faridi added, “Pakistan is among countries that are facing increasing challenges in water scarcity. Up to a third of Pakistan’s population lacks access to safe drinking water. Grundfos as a global leader in advanced pump solution, provides energy efficient solutions e.g. in the field of seawater desalination and sophisticated water treatment solutions in order to produce safe drinking water.”