Daesh operatives behind 10 separate attacks caught, IB DG tells Senate


Intelligence Bureau (IB) Director General Aftab Sultan on Saturday claimed to have arrested Daesh operatives said to be involved in 10 different terror-related incidents.
In an in-camera briefing to a Senate standing committee, the IB DG said that the IS network in Pakistan had been destroyed and a network of terrorists involved in 10 big terror attacks had been apprehended.
Referring to the attack on Bacha Khan University (BKU) in Charsadda, he said he had prior intelligence reports about attacks on educational institutions but there was no specific information regarding the BKU.
Sultan said that the terrorists involved in terror attacks on Wagah border and Bashir Bilour had been arrested, adding that a terrorists’ arms depot in Tarnol had also been destroyed.
The DG also told the Senate body that there was no city more sensitive than Karachi. He however appreciated the Punjab government’s seriousness in implementation of the National Action Plan and advised the other provinces to follow the suit.