Amnesty for tax evaders


Our Finance Minister had no qualms in offering amnesty to tax evading traders ranging from two percent for those declaring Rs50 million and 1 percent for more affluent worth Rs250 million, but had no hesitation in levying 15 percent withholding tax on widows, orphans, pensioners, handicapped and senior citizens who have invested in National Saving Schemes. This is why those who voted for PML-N are now realising that this is a government of traders and contractors dedicated to their welfare, for whom sufferings of ordinary citizens are destined by fate, and they have nothing to offer. Photo shoots of facades offering compensation to poor citizens whose kith and kin have been killed, maimed or raped by more affluent and politically powerful has only added to their sense of deprivation and made them vulnerable for recruitment by criminal mafia and terrorists of all shades.

There seems to be no end in every government’s desire to give endless amenities to known criminals, smugglers and tax evaders, all of whom otherwise should have been punished in accordance with laws. In every monotheistic religion, the holy scriptures including Quran established a system of reward and punishment for human beings. No system of governance can function without an effective system of justice with rewards for law abiders and punishment for offenders. Pakistan’s failure as a state has been because of state’s impotence to enforce laws and award punishments in a transparent judicious system.

Numerous amnesties for tax offenders, smugglers, land grabbers etc have only helped in expanding black economy which is reported to be more than double that which is documented and will make Pakistan weaker and more vulnerable.

