Polio-free Punjab


Human beings are superior creatures on earth and they possess extremely good knowledge and ability to think in an appropriate way. These abilities make them superior to other creatures. But sometimes we see some complications with the growth of human beings. As a child is born, he might seem normal but some sort of ignorance could bring about some acute complication in his growth and affect his whole life. Polio myelitis is one such complications which has no cure. The only cure is prevention and being careful about child’s polio vaccination. In this connection, the government of the Punjab has taken some good steps.

The Punjab government pays good attention towards polio vaccination scheme. A special team has been formed to work for the prevention of polio which spreads through humans already infected by polio-virus. This team comprises of most alert and attentive members to encourage people to have their children vaccinated properly. The members of this team visit door to door and tell people about the effects of polio. This team attentively checks that every child is being vaccinated. Polio vaccination in the form of injectable vaccine and drops are a healthy way to make our society is completely free from polio myelitis.

The aim of the government is to establish a polio-free Punjab. I request other provinces to be as alert as Punjab for the eradication of polio so that we may establish a polio-free Pakistan.

