Struggling Indian actor finally realises lifelong dream of meeting Sahir Lodhi


    Dubai – Our Show-Off Correspondent: The little-known Indian film actor named Shah Rukh Khan realised his lifelong dream yesterday when he finally met his idol, Pakistani superstar Sahir Lodhi on the latter’s show.

    Arranged by the Make-A-Wish Foundation, the meeting took place on Lodhi’s show where the Indian actor also brought along a specially compiled book of cut-outs of Lodhi’s pictures from various magazines that he had been collecting throughout many years.

    “I can’t believe I’m finally meeting you,” said Shah Rukh, visibly moved. “I’m not worthy.”

    “Come on, old chap, I’m just a regular Joe,” Lodhi graciously replied. “Don’t treat me any different.”

    The Indian actor then insisted on taking a couple of selfies with the famous star “so that the folks back home actually believe that I met you”.

    At the end of the emotional meet-up, Lodhi said, “It is great to provide inspiration to struggling artists. I am definitely going to watch one of the films in which Shah Rukh here has acted.”