Pakistan to import 70,000 tonnes canola, 40,000 tonnes soymeal



Pakistani importers have recently purchased about 70,000 tonnes of canola (rapeseed) to be sourced from Canada or Australia, European traders said on Wednesday.

A full vessel consignment of about 50,000 tonnes was purchased for January shipment which can be sourced from Canada or optionally Australia, they said.

Another 20,000 tonne part load was also purchased for January shipment and was likely to be sourced from Canada, they said.

Pakistan has been reducing imports of rapeseed/canola this year in favour of soybeans.

Pakistani importers have also purchased about 40,000 tonnes of soymeal from Argentina, European traders said.

The soymeal is for shipment in December 2015 to January 2016, traders said.

Pakistan has been producing more of its own soymeal this year following a rise in soybean imports and has even started some soymeal exports.