89% of NWA, 87% of Khyber Agency cleared of militants


Defence Minister Khawaja Mohammad Asif on Tuesday informed the Senate that due to Zarb-e-Azb operation 89 per cent of North Waziristan and 87 per cent of Khyber Agency areas have been cleared of militants.

The defence minister gave out the figures in a written reply during the Senate session on Tuesday, which was chaired by Raza Rabbani. The minister said that the operation would continue until the elimination of terrorists and banned outfits’ financiers.

Khawaja Asif stated that India violated ceasefire along the Line of Control (LoC) and the Working Boundary at least 997 times since 2013.

The minister stated that as many as 36 Pakistanis including army soldiers have embraced martyrdom, while at least 211 were injured.

The federal minister said that India violated the ceasefire in 2013 at least 464 times. The unprovoked firing from India claimed lives of 24 security troops and 74 citizens in 315 incidents in 2014.

In January-September 2015, there were 218 unprovoked violations by the Indian side.