WPC concerned over attack on Lady ADS judge



MNA Shaista Pervaiz Malik, Secretary Women’s Parliamentary Caucus (WPC), has expressed her shock and deep concern over the armed attack on Additional & District Judge Haripur Hina Khan, in which she escaped unhurt but lost her driver.

MNA Shaista said that the members of the WPC and she, strongly condemns this attack. Requesting the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to investigate and arrest the culprits at the earliest.

“Culprits of such heinous crimes need to be dealt with exemplary punishment” she said. Secretary Caucus further added that this attack should be taken within the ambit of “Fasad-fil-ardh’ and considered as a terrorist attack under the law.

Malik further stated that such cowardly acts will not deter women from using their potentials in noble and honourable professions such as the judiciary; infarct, people should know that such acts further strengthen women’s determination and commitment.