Sindh info secretary dismissed over anti-Rangers ads


Days after controversial advertisements against Rangers paramilitary force appeared in a section of press, Sindh Information Secretary Nazir Jamali on Saturday was dismissed from his post.

According to an official notification, Jamali has been replaced with Zahid Memon.

SSP Investigation Latif Siddiqui was also suspended for sending a covering letter with the advertisements to local newspapers earlier in the week.

Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah has also formed a high-level committee to investigate the issue after a meeting with DG Rangers Major General Bilal Akbar.

AIG Karachi Mushtaq Mehar had said the purpose of the advertisements in question was to disrupt the ongoing Karachi operation while a spokesman for Rangers declared it a conspiracy against Karachi peace.

On Tuesday, the advertisements in question appeared in local newspapers seeking masses support to locate six missing citizens allegedly kidnapped by unknown Rangers personnel.

The advertisements read that the six missing persons had been taken away by unidentified Rangers personnel. The masses were urged in the ads to inform the DSP Orangi Town if they were aware of missing people’s whereabouts.

Differences prevailed between the Sindh government and the paramilitary force for sometime, which were tried to be normalised by various steps taken by the provincial officials. However, things are back to square one after the anti-Rangers ads issue.