Farhan Akhtar responds to being called Pakistani


The killing of a 50-year-old Muslim man over rumours of having eaten beef has left people in India and across the border questioning humanity when it comes to religious differences.

Bollywood actor Farhan Akhtar expressed his outrage over the brutal incident on social media.

He uploaded a status on Facebook condemning the case, calling it ‘twisted’ and critcising the way the situation was dealt with by authorities.

Akhtar was infuriated and stated how preposterous the whole situation was, “Reason: He was rumored to have stored and/or eaten beef. Let me repeat that. He was RUMORED to have stored and/or eaten beef.”

He asked his fellow fans and citizens to stand up against it lest it happen again:

“This is NOT the time to remain silent. What has happened once can surely happen again and unless we, the people, do not unite in demanding immediate action, this is going to turn into a circus with all the usual suspects having a go at each other, trying to score PR points,” he wrote.

Read more: https://www.facebook.com/farhan.akhtar.338658?fref=nf

While many agreed with his stance, one Indian called him “Pakistani Akhtar” on the actor’s Facebook fan page Farhan Akhtar LIVE.

The comment read: “Yesterday you were crying so hard for Dadri case. Your brother has killed his kid for not wearing burqa while eating. Any words you Pakistani Akthar?”

Farhan Akhtar gave a slick response and snubbed the commenter. He said:  “Yes. I hope he rots in jail… Which he will… and I hope you grow a brain. Which I doubt you will. But all the best.”



  1. In India there are more Muslims than in Pakistan. Whole world eats beef except Hindus in India. You cannot possibly impose on ppl your personal priorities. Worshipping cow is Hindu’s exigence related to Krishna’s love for cows. But leave ppl to decide on their free-will not on determinism or metaphysics that the enlightened ones once fought to give birth to Democracy first in the US then in France nd slowly world over. If you believe in democracy you will never impose on somebody your own taboos, right!

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