Truck art at Lok Virsa attracts large crowds


The ongoing “Truck Art: Engagement with Artisans Program” organised by the National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage at Lok Virsa has attracted large crowds.

While speaking at the event, Lok Virsa Executive Director Dr Fouzia Saeed appreciated the efforts put in by students to present a beautiful cultural show. Addressing the children, she said, “Lok Virsa is your home and school. You must come and carry out any cultural activity with our artisans. We will facilitate you as we believe that you are the future of Pakistan and we are very much concerned about our future.”

Over two hundred students from various schools in the twin cities attended the ceremony along with their teachers and parents. Children were awarded participation certificates by the chief guest. The Federal Directorate of Education and Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal collaborated with Lok Virsa to send their students for participation in the Truck Art training classes.

The truck art training classes will continue at Lok Virsa Heritage until Sunday, September 13.