August witnesses rare calm in troubled Balochistan

  • PICSS report says govt’s ‘carrot & stick’ policy paying dividend in Balochistan with notable increase in militant activities in Sindh
  • Report terms crackdown on militant-backed Punjab seminaries ‘significant development’, considering govt’s ‘reluctance’ to religious outfits


Balochistan saw a significant reduction in terrorist attacks during August as the law enforcement agencies (LEAs) tighten noose against terrorists in the province while the political administration has an olive branch extended towards Baloch insurgents.

A monthly security assessment report compiled by Islamabad-based independent think tank, Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies (PICSS), for the month of August witnessed some significant developments that have far-reaching implications on security situation in the country.

“One of such developments was related to Balochistan where government’s multipronged ‘carrot & stick’ policy is paying dividend and there are increasing signs of province setting on the path of recovery though there is still a long way to go,” the report says.

The report adds that a notable increase in militant activities was observed in Sindh while a slight increase in militant activities was observed in FATA. Balochistan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) witnessed reduction in violence during August as compared to previous month.

Despite government’s reluctance to religious parties, another significant development was crackdown, particularly in Punjab, on seminaries considered to be linked with militancy and sectarianism.

According to statistics issued by PICSS, no significant change was observed in August 2015 in terms of militant attacks. During August, 53 militant attacks were recorded across Pakistan as compared to 47 attacks conducted in the month of July.

The resulting deaths in terrorist attacks have witnessed a slight reduction in the month of August as 110 deaths were reported in the month as compared to 124 in July. In these 53 militant attacks, 30 security forces personnel and 46 civilians lost their lives while 34 militants were also killed, the report reads.

Per report, the only significant militant activity in Punjab during August was the murder of Punjab home minister Col (r) Shujaa Khanzada, who was spearheading counter-militancy drive in the province.

As far as anti-state violence is concerned, a total number of 19 attacks of improvised explosive device (IED) were recorded; three in Balochistan, 13 in FATA, one in KP and two in Sindh. A total of 19 militants’ physical assaults were also noted throughout the country; five in Balochistan, five in FATA, four in Sindh, four in KP and one in Punjab.

Moreover, the report says that eight incidents of target killing were reported across the country; two such in Balochistan, three in KP and three in Sindh. One rocket attack was noticed in Balochistan while two grenade attacks were recorded in Sindh.

The report said the security forces have intensified their operations against militants across the country while starting ground operation in North Waziristan where military operation Zarb-e-Azb is being conducted.

In August, 97 security forces actions were recorded across the country against 47 witnessed during the month of July. During these 97 operations, at least 245 suspected militants were killed while only three civilians and three security forces personnel lost their lives.

Furthermore, the security forces continued to focus on intelligence-based operations and as many as 999 suspects were arrested from across the country –majority of them being from Punjab where suspected seminaries belonging to various schools of thoughts were raided.

In Balochistan, 400 insurgents belonging to various militant groups surrendered their arms before the authorities on the eve of Independence Day.

In Sindh, security forces continued to target various brands of militants and their so-called abetters with some notable success in terms of arresting or eliminating militants belonging to various militant outfits such as Al-Qaeda, TTP etc, in addition to arrest of Dr Asim Hussain, who is a close associate of PPP co-chairman Asif Zardari.