A promise to be kept


The Prime Minister made a promise to the nation in 1998 at the time of six nuclear blasts that he would make KBD. Since then he has studiously avoided even to mention the name of KBD due to apparently opposition of his allied parties. All promises made have to be answered on the last Day of Judgment as Allah Almighty does not forget promises made to the nation.

The PM should make effort to convince the recalcitrant groups to see the light of the day and not oppose the vital project of KBD which would not only store 6.1 MAF of water for all the provinces but also generate 3600 MW of cheap power. Tinkering with wind and solar as also coal energy would not foot the bill as compared to hydel energy. We are steadily getting short of water which ought to be provided with same priority as the power.

It would be advisable to use the services of eminent engineer Mr Shams-ul-Mulk who had served both as Chairman WAPDA and Chief Minister of KP. He may be made advisor for water and power for PM at ministerial level to tackle the problem of KBD as it is beyond the ken of politicians who have made the dam a victim due to their short sighted policies and vested interests. This is the only way to fulfill the promise made by PM 17 years ago which people have not forgotten even after all these years. The PM would go down in history as a saviour of Pakistan by making good on his promise to the nation.

