India to grant citizenship to ‘persecuted migrants’ in Pakistan


NEW DELHI: India plans to amend the Citizenship Act, 1955, to grant citizenship to undocumented migrants who fled religious persecution in Pakistan and Bangladesh, The Hindu said on Wednesday, according to local media sources.

It said the migrants include not just Hindus but also Buddhists, Christians, Zoroastrians, Sikhs and Jains. There was no mention of Ahmedis in the published list or of Muslim sects facing the wrath of religious bigotry in the concerned countries, sources added.

The Hindu said top home ministry sources confirmed that a bill is in the works to amend the act and make changes to some provisions, reportedly.

“This is an idea floated right after the Modi government came to power, but it was found that many people who fled into India fearing religious persecution do not have valid documents, or have their visas expired, sources claimed.

Therefore, these people are illegal migrants and ineligible for citizenship,” a top official said. Several high-level meetings were held by the ministry with the law minister, the law secretary and the home secretary to remedy the situation.