PM seemingly abdicates his charge


It appears the Prime Minister has abdicated his charge by default by preferring to absent himself for almost a week from Pakistan on visits abroad to follow his own purposes instead of solving problems of raging floods and Eid at home. On the other hand, COAS has thought rightly to meet and address his troops in the tribal belt engaged in life and death struggle. The PM looks overtly complacent otherwise there is no time for complacency with so many problems looming on the horizon. The issue of load shedding and lack of water for drinking and irrigation is assuming threatening proportion.

The lack of a storage dam that could have reduced the fury of flood has been pushed to the background as if it did not exist at all. The PM does not find himself equal to the task. Just remember the animated speeches of PM before the elections promising moon to the nation and the glum but satisfied complexion that he presents now to public. Perhaps yearly Umrahs in Ramzan are more important than public woes in Pakistan. He presents a picture of Nero who played on the flute while Rome was burning or a disgruntled emperor who is least interested in public troubles and hardships that he finds disturbing at home and seeks refuge in foreign visits while increasing spending in PM House by leaps and hounds in abandoned leisure.

