The month of Ramzan


The month of Ramzan illuminates our souls, embellishes our character, adorns our imaan, purifies us from our sins and beautifies our lives in all aspects with obligations and sunnah. Fasting is a sublime obligation and a practice to control human desires by fulfilling the Rights of Allah and the Rights of His servants and proclaims the lesson of tolerance, camaraderie, generosity, forbearance and having good morals to strengthen the kinship ties and social relations.

The last ten days of Ramzan are the essence of ibadah. Qiyam-ul-Layl (reciting and listening to Quran) is an honour to the slaves of Allah, because Allah SWT descends to the lowest heaven every night. Rise above your desires to stay awake, in order to attain rectitude and virtue of Imaan and to recognise and thank the bounties of Allah.

Along with prayers and fasting, alms giving, charity and affinity also takes the centre stage during Ramzan as compared to other months. So be generous and help the poor and show benevolence to needy people in order to enhance their joys of Eid. Not only alms or charity but emphasis is laid on showing gratitude and kindness in terms of dealings with others.

May Allah shower us with endless mercy and grace us with forgiveness! Aamin!

