Pakistan hopes for peace with neighbour amid Indian tirade



Top foreign policy officials have recommended that the government should stick to its ‘peaceful neighbourhood’ policy instead of getting distracted by constant Anti-Pakistan hysteria by the Indian leadership, a local media source quoted. 

When the civil and military leadership have reacted strong and sharp to the tirade from across the border, more than a dozen Pakistani ambassadors in different countries have cautioned the ruling party’s politicians not to fall into the trap laid by administration of Narendra Modi.

The ambassadors posted in Saarc (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) and ECO (Economic Cooperation Organisation) regions met last week at the Foreign Office to review a host of regional issues, including the current stalemate in Pakistan-India ties.

After three days of closed-door deliberations, the envoys presented their recommendations to the government, sources stated.

In an unprecedented outburst against Pakistan, Indian PM Modi during his recent trip to Bangladesh had not only accused Islamabad of sponsoring terrorism, but also acknowledged the Indian government’s role in the break-up of Pakistan in 1971. His cabinet members were more vocal and suggested that India should support terrorists to neutralise terrorists. Some even threatened carrying out ‘surgical strikes’ against terrorists inside Pakistan.

On his recent visit to China also, the Indian premier had reportedly opposed the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, fearing the project might be used in future for military purposes, sources claimed.

The envoys also agreed that Pakistan should also develop a “counter narrative to pre-empt Indian propaganda” about maligning Islamabad with allegations of cross-border terrorism.

Although the recommendations were not made public, Foreign Office spokesperson Qazi Khalilullah in his weekly briefing last Friday also said that Pakistan was committed to the Prime Minister’s vision of regional peace and wished enhancing bilateral relations with all neighbouring countries, reportedly.


  1. Pakistan and US have been playing these games for long, but just because India was precieved to be close to USSR, both US and Pakistan created problem in kashmir. Pakistan broke down USSR by promoting Jihadis in connivance with US. Indians have their own problems to handle and are not intrestrested in war. See how disputes are being settled in favour of bangladesh, whether the eez or land boundray. It is possible because bangladesh promotes trust and promises not to support terrorism. On the other hand pakistani govt organises special buses for Hafiz Saeed rally who openly calls for cutting india based on mughal empire etc

    The kashmir issue can be solved only if the vally is deradicalised for which all pakistan has to do is to tell kashmiris to drop weapons at all costs and not harbour people like Hafiz Saeed openly calling for jihad against india.
    Once Pakistan makes it clear to the people of Jammu and Kashmir that they will not support any act of terrorism under the garb of religious oppression, the matter will be solved.
    All options are on the table, but pakistan instead of coming out and calling for deradicalisation has been pumping more rhetoric. Instead pakistan chooses to hand over parts of the region to china and dragging china into the equation which is totally wrong just to intimidate the Indians. Why?

    Pakistan is solely responsible for kashmir mess.

    • i totally agree….!! Pak should first settle internal politics instead of going for kashmir why the hell are they dragging china……!! shame on nawaz shariff and his government….!! They couldnt control loadshedding kashmir kya lenge lolz

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