No matter who you are, don’t leave home without a helmet!


The city administration has issued new directives to the residents of Karachi and said that wearing a helmet is compulsory for bike riders, and their companions – irrespective of gender.

As per details, this new safety law would be implemented across Karachi from June 9, 2015, and violators would pay a fine of Rs 150 to Rs 300.


  1. We make law without understanding the ground realities. If the high bureaucracy use to ride motorcycles, even their children, if Ministers ride motorcycles, there would be never introduced such anti-poor law of helmet for pillion seat. We anticipate that pillion is only a person who as a routine rides on bike and can arrange a helmet. While the fact is that a middle class man sometimes bring a carpenter, or mechanic home on motorbike to save taxi cost… but now they would have to purchase helmet for the mechanic first! Lower class employees, who otherwise travel on bus, are occasionally given lift on bike by there colleagues… now they won't be able to get the lift because while coming on bus there is no point of keeping helmet at all times with them- obviousl helmet can't be kept in pocket.
    State has to make laws for safety; there are two types of safety laws; one is where my acts are safety risk for others-here there can be no compromise – Second is when my acts are safety risk only for me… here number of things are to be considered- here the safety rules need to educated, but not imposed- Actually our law makers do not understand the issue of common man – law is to bring comforts to life not to put the people into trouble – All mountaineers, wrestlers, racers, put their life in danger with consent – no law prevent them from doing so – so why the bike riders are only targeted– where there is such discrimination the citizens are compelled to think of some kick backs from bike manufacturing companies

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