PML-N budget


This is a government which like its predecessors, both PPP and Musharraf, is a regime of traders, stock exchange brokers, real estate developers, big retail and whole sale dealers, contractors and business cartels, and which is committed to facilitate them in tax evasion and providing relief through SROs. Nobody is interested in procurement of transfer of technology, nor in development of education and health because of lesser incentives in kickbacks and commissions.

If anybody has any doubt, just imagine giving a 100 per cent salary raise to top bureaucrats who have failed miserably in tax collection, regulation, failure of law enforcement, missing all substantive targets and implementation of laws to prevent flight of capital and institutionalised corruption and pilferage. Other than mere rhetoric and giving statements, no political party, including PTI has raised their voice in Parliament, or made an effort to launch a public campaign to stop these nefarious acts which in any other country would qualify as a conspiracy against state.

Every institution of state, including CDA which comes directly under the federal government is an organisation dominated by vested interests, where members of general public who in 1989 were declared successful for plot allotment through balloting in Sector E-12/4, are still waiting desperately to get possession even after almost 26 years, while thousands of plots allotted much later to their employees, bureaucrats and powerful pressure groups have been developed and handed over. No government, either elected or dictatorial, seems to be bothered about fate and destiny of 200 million Pakistanis for whom Pakistan is their sole motherland, a country for better or worse till death, when they will be interred in this soil.




  1. The 2915 Budget is another detailed account of PNL(N) excess in the financial field by an accountant used to fudging the stats. It is ridden with income tax exemptions for the rich. Tax holidays liberally extending as an olive branch to industrial clas. It has soaked the poor and facilitated the rich.

    It is the third deficit budget presented by PNL(N) Finance Minister. He is a clever operative , a liar and a cheat. He is closely related to Mian family. They have kept all power in the family. And he is running it as a business. The Budget is Rich specific not the poor. It can not be called the Poor Man's budget.

    • I agree. This is budget for traders, land and qabza mafia dons, tax Evaders, business tycoons and money launderers.

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