White Lies


Turns out that Mrs Khan the second is headed right back to the channel where an interview led to the ‘hand in hand into the sunset’ scenario in the first place. And she’s going back for another interview program. And, listen to this, the first program is with the great Khan himself. Now howzat? So much for credibility, ethics, and so forth media outlets like to associate their names with.


Timing these marriage ceremonies has given rise to so many problems, you know. And sometimes everybody is inconvenienced, especially when it’s a VVIP ceremony. Seriously, it upsets people on the streets – VVIP movement, remember – guests, hosts, you name it. But on the odd occasion it upsets the VVIPs themselves too. Take this mehndi on Upper Mall the other night. So many cars, so many people, and that cursed VVIP movement. So the police showed up and, VVIP or no, called off the show and sealed the premises. Tweet about that to the inner circle.