Lahore fire tragedy


When words don’t suffice


This was not the first time that incompetence on part of the fire brigade or police staff cost some people their lives. And it definitely won’t be the last. It defies logic that fire fighters showed up at the scene of the tragedy – already more than half an hour late – and then had to go back for water because they came without any. What else could they possibly have been asked there for? Resultantly, six siblings, aged one, three, five, seven, 11 and 12, were burnt to death. Words just do not suffice to explain the tragedy or the utter stupidity of the emergency response force.

Chief Minister, the Khadim-e-Aala, has taken notice and most probably already ordered an inquiry. So he has already done his usual post-disaster part. And the prime minister and president ‘expressed grief’, which means they, too, have done their part. It is now for the family to move on, thankful for the token money the government will no doubt dole out, while the tragedy withdraws from everyday news. Angry residents from the area – and far, far beyond – cannot really be faulted for rubbishing the government’s emergency setup, saying they would rather look out for each other from now on than rely on the government.

And no matter what manner of tragedy hits, it seems just impossible to get the government’s attention for too long. The people, and the civic setup that caters to them, is just not high enough on the PML-N’s agenda. Its wisdom just doesn’t extend beyond mega projects whose glitter and glamour brings more immediate dividends than deep rooted and much needed public welfare projects that improve quality of life and are very long term pro-people investments. Truth be told, whatever effective measures have been taken – like the 1122 ambulance service – were introduced by the Chaudharys in the Q-league days. The Sharifs have largely disappointed, and six needless burials expressed the other day what words couldn’t. If they don’t mend their approach, the people will express their anger through the ballet, whenever the opportunity arises.