The Sindh High Court on Friday issued show-cause notice to National Database Regulatory Authority’s regional director to explain why contempt proceedings should not be initiated against him for flouting its order regarding deciding the case of an intermediate student hailing from Buner district.
The court was hearing a petition filed by Zakir Khan, who had gone to the court against the interior secretary and Nadra’s regional director for declining to issue his national identity card.
The petitioner submitted that he was born at Karachi in 1995 and subsequently a birth certificate was issued by the secretary of Union Council-9 Civil Line, SaddarTown. He stated that a few years back his father had moved to Buner district, Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa; however, he was still residing in the city with his uncle.
Zakir said he visited Nadra’s regional office to get his ID card and submitted the copies of his parents ID cards and other required documents. He added that the officers at Nadra’s regional office initially kept him waiting for over a month and then they refused to issue ID card.
The court was pleaded to issue directions to Nadra to issue him ID card. During the previous hearing, an officer had informed the court that the case of the petitioner was under verification at Verification & Revocation Branch of Nadra. Subsequently, the court had directed Nadra to examine within 10 days the petitioner’s case and decide the same strictly in accordance with law.