Some questions for Jehangir Tareen


I just saw an exclusive interview of former PTI Secretary General (SG) Jehangir Khan Tareen (JKT) with Nasim Zehra.

My friend JKT made some interesting statements that need further probing:

  1. What moral justification JKT has to claim Saad Rafique is wrong not to accept ECP Election Tribunal (ET) while he himself does not want to leave a title that is dissolved by PTI ET? Is it not duplicity of a political position?
  2. JKT also said that if mandate was not proper as per Judicial Commission, the PML-N government should announce new elections. Why can’t the same formula be applied to PTI? PTI ET has asked party to hold new intra-party elections and for it to be fair caretaker has to be announced and ET has to continue working.
  3. JKT claimed that PTI was a different party than PML-N and PPP. Well, it seems to be different in name only because my friend JKT was not able to function as per party constitution when he was SG. He was not able to uphold merit and seems to be more interested in promoting his friends and allies in the party. All his notices start with “in consultation with the Chairman”. If he really believes PTI is different, then it should show in his own actions first before he tells it to the nation.
  4. JKT also confessed that there were issues in ticket allocation in the last General Elections. As far as I remember he was part of the Central Parliamentary Board. We want to know why he allowed tainted tickets to be awarded and why he did not record his dissent if he was keen on merit. We also want to know what measures were introduced by him as a former SG to ensure merit prevails in by-elections and Senate elections. Again as far as I know none, zero and zilch.
  5. JKT said that only rich people could afford to seek recourse from ECP and NADRA. We want to know if it is not the same situation in PTI that rich people are given tickets on a platter without any due process or merit consideration. Money seems to be the top qualification in the party to get titles and tickets. What steps as SG were taken by him to ensure merit in PTI? As far as I know zero, rather many tainted electables were recruited by PTI political committee of which he was a member.
  6. JKT says he wants transparent and accountable system in the country. But why is he not interested in the same thing for PTI? What steps did he take to ensure there is transparency in ticket allocation and running of the party as per constitution?

I had a lot of faith in JKT when he was nominated as SG. In many emails he promised that as SG he will uphold constitution, merit and due process. As a person I always found him to be soft spoken and an inspiration to youth as a self-made man. But he failed miserably as SG to organise the party on principles.

