Holi: Students form human chain outside temple



As members of the Hindu community celebrated the colourful festival of ‘Holi’ in grounds behind Shri Swaminarayan Mandir on Thursday, a group of students formed a human chain around the temple to demonstrate solidarity with their Hindu brothers and sisters, providing them security amidst attacks on places of worship of minorities.

The students belonged to the National Students Federation.

NSF were of the opinion that the state may have failed to put a stop to such inhumane attacks but the citizens of Karachi would continue to do their part.

Fawad Hassan, NSF’s general secretary for Karachi, said that it was high time that people stopped investing their hope in the state authorities as they had let them down too many times.

“More than 60,000 innocent people have lost their lives due to such failures of the state. Still, all is not lost because we have to take care of each other,” he said.

Women were seen dressed up in saris and drenching each other in colours screaming ‘Holi hai!’ with Hindi music playing in the background.

Mrs Veena A. Malani, who had specially come down from Mithi in Tharparkar for the occasion, said that it didn’t matter even if her pretty clothes got drenched in colour. “We are all here to play Holi and have fun. Besides, the colours are not the stubborn or permanent chemical ones. These wash off quite easily. And even if they didn’t, they will carry the colour of beautiful memories we make today,” she said, smiling.

Other children with coloured faces and lots of glitter on their faces and hair ran around chasing each other.



  1. At the outset it looks good, but what a terrible situation for minorities in Pakistan! You do not need any such human chains to celebrate any muslim festivals here in India!

    • most of us love our muslims in india, because most of the muslims love us. i just wish they would say it louder and prouder, but that can be said both ways. hath main hath

  2. I appreciate your humanitarian gesture. I wish all others can see basic humanity in each other instead of dividing us in the name of gender, religion, race, nationality, regions and what have you. It is very heartening to see such active participation of the NSF. Hats off to you.

  3. Too late after reducing them from 22% to 1% but still good. These action wont stop 100 forced conversions of non-muslims girls every month. For those you need government, police and judiciary. On the top your judges should stop giving verdicts like abduction of non-muslims are allowed in Quran.

  4. after silent genocide of hindus(numbering around 10% at the time of independence and now less than 1%) in pakistan, thank you for showing there are still some humans left in pakistan.

  5. "Hats off to young generation of Pakistan" who proved that we are basically brothers and sisters only.
    More over it is very necessary to explain to the Government that they should look forward to to the progress of the country rather than investing in arms.

  6. Pakistan is a failed state … Its high time they shud realise their mistakes and behave like humans.

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