A judicial magistrate on Friday rejected the bail request of Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi — the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attacks — in a case pertaining to the abduction of a man named Anwar six and a half years ago.
Lakhvi’s counsel submitted the application during the hearing on Friday contending that the kidnapping case registered against his client is false.
Arguing against the bail request, public prosecutor Nabeel Tabish said that investigation in this case is still underway. He added that until and unless investigation is complete, the First Information Report (FIR) against Lakhvi cannot be dismissed.
Judicial Magistrate Naveed Khan subsequently rejected Lakhvi’s bail plea.
Following registration of the kidnapping case in December last year, Lakhvi was arrested by police and taken into protective custody at the Shalimar police station as there was no suitable place to accommodate him at the Golra police station.
Lakhvi is also facing trial for being the alleged mastermind in the 2008 Mumbai attacks. India has relentlessly sought him since the attacks killed over 160 persons, including several foreigners, causing international uproar and a diplomatic storm.
Meanwhile, on the request of the Islamabad police, Lakhvi’s detention, which was ending on Saturday, has been further extended. This is the third time Lakhvi’s detention has been extended.
The deputy commissioner sent out a written detention order to prison officials.