Karachi deserves better


Events of last few days were really worrisome to know the mental maturity level of our political leadership — apparently some of them are worse than uneducated and unruly boys fighting for a lost kite in a street. It all started (this time) in Karachi last Friday when Rangers submitted a JIT report in SHC claiming to be on Baldia factory fire of 2012. As per news reports, it was a JIT report based on confession of a person, who claimed to be a MQM worker, allegedly involved in several crimes. As per report he termed the factory fire as an extortion case as that’s what he was told by someone who was informed by another person. Due to loopholes in the report several political parties took a reasonable stand leaving it to the courts to decide on the authenticity of the Rangers’ claim. However, MQM’ arch rival in Karachi — PTI took a strong stand directly blaming MQM of the inferno which perished more than 250 innocent factory workers. That started an open-for-all ugly game of tit-for-tat use of foul and abusive language between leaders of these two parties who claim to represent the educated middle class. Both the leaders were digging into old allegations, tarnishing the personal characters of each other and their respective courtiers. Picking on weaknesses and use them to hammer out political benefits is part of politics anywhere in the world — but to indulge in abusive, hurtful and below-the-belt language shall not be acceptable by any standard.

Though MQM leadership has apologized to PTI and for time being temperatures are being brought under control. But as said this bout was not the first one nor will it be the last one. It’s a war to win Karachi. But why Karachiites should opt for these parties when both of them have miserably failed to do anything for the betterment of city. Have they forced the provincial government to hold the local government (LG) elections; the largest city of Pakistan of 20 million people is without a local/ municipal government for last five years. Have they forced the government to improve upon its governance — utter neglect of schools, hospitals, infrastructure, utilities supplies, transport, security, street crimes show the dark side of the democracy. Have they worked together to force the government to revive the now-even-forgotten Karachi Circular Railway project? General public is not interested in their cynical political bouts; they need action to solve their day-to-day petty issues.

Let both the leaders to verbally tear upon each other on TV screens; Karachiites need new faces to replace this rot.


Jubail, Saudi Arabia


  1. infact the country deserves better. The fighting words were not spoken for only the Karachite. They were meant for the entire country. MQM started the fire by maligning the women workers of PTI. The leader of the MQM used abusive and offensive language not suitable for any human being. All women are to be respected. They are neither MQM or PTI women. They are just women representing us.

    We must check our tongue before we make a public speech. Do not be tempted to use F word or any other abusive word. Remain with in the limits of decency.

    The politician are role models for the youth. They must not tarnish their own image. How foolish one can get ? The apology is not enough. it is easy to apologize , and commit the same mistake again. This sort of behavior is not admissible and acceptable. Altaf HUssain is an uncouth person. He talks too much and prone to make mistakes. He should be more careful next time around. He should occasionally address such congregations on important issues. JIT's report was not a big thing. It is for the Courts to decide its authenticity and veracity. :et the judges do their job.

    MQM was allegedly involved in the Baldiya Town Fire incident. 257 persons lost their lives by burning in that inferno. MQM should not preempt the decision of the court. PTI was right in demanding investigations into the fire incident. We all want Justice to be delivered in this case.

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