Need for hydel power


The recent fiasco of ten-hour breakdown of power supply in the country has no precedent. This was all due to keeping our eggs in the thermal basket of IPPs like Uch plant that resulted in losing 1,000 MW of power by blasting off transmission lines by terrorists. It requires to direct our attention to hydel power from mega dams like KBD which alone would have given us 3,600 MW of cheap power in addition to storage of 6.1 MAF of water. Depending upon a long transmission line from Uch thermal plant for supply of power to Lahore and Northern Punjab and linking it to a blast near Sibi is beyond comprehension.

It has confounded the whole issue of power supply. How can a blast near Sibi affect the supply of power to Lahore city? It is all due to generation of only 6.5 thousand MW of power from hydel sources while a potential exists for generation of 70 thousand MW of power from our hydel resources. It amounts to criminal neglect to ignore the hydel resources which flow beneath our feet, and depend upon costly thermal source which is all import based. The reported breakdowns in power supply call for using our hydel resource from KBD which would be located in central Punjab near the consuming area. The govt needs to build the dam with a strong will to safeguard the future of Pakistan.




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