Way to strengthen Pakistan


Better relations with neighbours and combating terrorism


By unilaterally cancelling the foreign secretary level talks, upping the ante on the working boundary and concentrating on a Pakistan specific missile programme, India cannot deter Islamabad from extending political and moral support to the Kashmiris’ right of self-determination. What New Delhi can achieve by mounting pressure on Pakistan is to divert its attention from the ongoing fight against the terrorist networks. This would suit neither Pakistan nor India. There is a need on the part of the Modi government to realise the enormity of the threat posed by terrorism to the region and the world at large.

The BJP government has to understand that its ambitious economic targets can be achieved only in a terror free and friendly regional environment. Peace and amity alone can help South Asia to fulfill its energy needs through imports from Central Asia, besides realising its export potential through an energy-cum-trade corridor which will soon connect Pakistan with the region.

Pakistan meanwhile needs to fully concentrate on its war against the terrorist networks and on building its economy. Pakistan cannot have internal security which is a sine qua non for economic development without defeating terrorism. The major factors behind the growth of extremist thinking and terrorism are poverty and ignorance. Islamabad therefore needs to divert much more funds than it has done so far to poverty alleviation and social development. In today’s world a country’s security is tied up with the level of its industrial development and with an educated, skilled and healthy manpower.

Pakistan no doubt needs to maintain a minimum deterrent to discourage aggression. Equally important is to fortify itself through appropriate diplomatic moves. While strengthening its relations with China, Pakistan has to also pay special attention to ties with Russia and to continue to cultivate better relations with its neighbours. Meanwhile, Islamabad must not in any way weaken its ties with its conventional allies that include the US, the UK and EU.


  1. The editorial misinterprets that indian missile program is pakistan centric but it is anything but that

    • Is this what Pakistani media has to say. Pakistan centric? In the Kargil war, 0.2 million Pakistani soldiers surrendered. If India were to show aggression, the water colour of rivers that flow from India into Pakistan would have been red. This is their complex, they compare Pak with India each time, they write any edit. The extremists are enough adversaries for Pakistan. The edit though pointed out correctly that the state of the nation was entirely due to ignorance.

  2. Part 2 : You believe or not, hatred against India, its use to convince that military rule is neccessary for Pak to stay united, is what hurt Pakistan. Can Pak media speak on the issue? Can it points finger? India is growing well. Despite its recent surge in defence spending, the total money spend on the sector is lesser as a percentage of GDP, compared to what Pakistan spend. Pakistan has to depend on foreign aid, to match up with India,. For this, it is paying a hefty price. India is just concerned over Pak-funded terrorists. It does not want even an inch of this disturbed part.

  3. Part 3: It seems that Pak is tasting bitter taste of its own medicine. And if I somebody replies me suspecting Indo-Afghan relations as a bone of contention, then Pak must understand Afghanistan is a soveriegn country, It must not interfere in Afghanistan's matter, especially with coward act of spreading terrorism. India wants energy, which it will fuel its growth. It is least bothered about India. Well, I was here to read news relating to Indo-Pak match. Time to sleep.

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