Iran condemns ‘insulting’ Charlie Hebdo cover



Iran condemned Wednesday the publication of a new cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) by the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, saying it was “insulting” and “provocative”.

The magazine cover “provokes the emotions of Muslims and hurts their feelings around the world, and could fan the flame of a vicious circle of extremism,” said foreign ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham.

The new issue of Charlie Hebdo follows an attack by Islamist gunmen last week at the magazine’s office in Paris which killed 12 people.

Iran denounced the massacre the day it occurred and Afkham said Wednesday that such attacks “have no closeness or similarity to Islam” and are “in complete contradiction to Islamic teaching”.

However she indicated that the new cartoon is “abuse of freedom of speech, which is common in the West these days”.

Such publication “is not acceptable” and such “abuse should be prevented”.

“Respecting the beliefs and values of followers of divine religions is an acceptable principle,” she added.

In defiance of the militants who killed its staff, Charlie Hebdo’s new edition issued a blasphemous  cartoon on its cover. 

Followers of Islam feel any depiction of the prophet is sacrilege.

“Charlie Hebdo has again insulted the prophet,” Tabnak, a conservative website in Iran, said Tuesday.


  1. of course the stupid idiots will condemn it! they are the instigator of all these islamik nonsense since sedation of 1979! best of luck to charlie hebdo's colleagues to carry on the freedom of speech and death to stupidity and ignorance!

  2. The real Western free speech is that the Western people can bash others freely, but others may get criminalized for even academically challenging their White supremacy. I for one, was criminalized, lost everything in life, only because I, as a graduate student at University of Toronto, exercised my free speech to disagree with a White professor’s theory – beauty is a European concept and complained against his retaliation.

    My alleged crime of threats to a White professor was my words: “If they are going to kill me, I’m going to kill them, too.” I was convicted by a judge, on his “guess” that I “meant” to threaten the professor David Waterhouse in my mind. So I became a criminal of thoughts. I contested that my testimony was at a human rights Commission, in reply to its questioning, and the Commission forced me to testify when I declined to, I have the Charter right against self-incrimination. But Knazan said that law could not apply to my case, no reason provided as to why. So the government actually compelled me to commit the alleged criminal act and then held me responsible for it. And all the Western main stream media such as CNN, NPR, New York Times, even the US Department of State itself, not only covered up my story, but censored my posts in the comments sections of their sites, and even set up auto filters to filter out my speech. So much “free speech” about in the West.

  3. The new era has brought a new strategy do some damage to yourself gather sympathies of the world and then do whatever you want America wanted to topple Taliban regime so the 9/11drama was staged and now in order to harass and crush Muslims in west another drama has been played now that magazine has a moral reason to publish those blasphemous cartoons no matter how mush they hurt Muslims I am just waiting for all those muslim leaders joint protest as they enthusiastically gathered paris attack but I think I have to wait whole eternity for that to happen.This hypocritical and cowardice behaviour has given that notorious magazine strength to show its ugliness again both the magazine and Muslim leaders are pathetic .

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