PTI looks to seize the moment in Lahore tomorrow

  • Imran Khan says political impasse can end in 48 hours if govt shows ‘seriousness’ in talks


As Insafians prepare for a third ‘shutdown’, this time in Lahore on December 15 (Monday), as part of the party’s Plan C, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan has intimated the government of increasing pressure with each passing day.

During a gathering of party workers in Lahore, the PTI chairman, while addressing Prime Minister Nawaz Shairf, said, “Today Mian sb, I give you a clear message, if you are serious in not damaging the country and are sincere in talks then the matter can end in 48 hours.”

The PTI chief pointed out that if the government was “serious” about negotiations, dialogue would have started by now.

“Our shutdown in Karachi was peaceful, we did not pressurise anyone and people shutdown their businesses voluntarily. We want the same to happen in Lahore.”

Explaining his workers the plan of action for the shutdown, Khan said, “You should talk to traders and give them my message that if they want a revolution, they should shutdown, but if they are happy with the system, they should keep their businesses running.”

Admitting that he made a mistake during his shutdown in Karachi, he said, “I am not sure whether they were our people or not but some people misbehaved with media and that is not acceptable.”

“I urge the Lahore team to take care of the media and make ways for ambulances to pass,” he said.

Further, he warned the PML-N against repeating the Faisalabad tragedy, when PML-N and PTI workers clashed, resulting in the death of a PTI activist.

“If you unleash your gullus on us, PTI workers will respond befittingly and you will be responsible for it,” he said.


  1. Time has Come For Nea Pakistan, New Pakistan in the Making, Freedom Seeking Muslims and all Societies of Ir Pakistan is in a hurry to have wonderful Powerful free of corruption a New Islamic Engin even World Of Islam is watching with good taste the new Power Ir Pakistan with PTI of Imran Khan,Go english System Go, Go Nawaz Go

  2. The colonial system is finally on death bed. The real independence is now inevitable. The colonial goons are now doomed for sure. Writing is on the wall. "Dili door ust", not any more…

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