

Even by Punjab police standards

Police brutality in the infamous Minjahul Quran Model Town incident, however barbaric, was not entirely unfathomable given the persistent medieval mindset of the Punjab government and the thuggish, power-hungry reputation of the Punjab police. But baton-charging and roughing up blind and disabled people protesting for an increased job quota, that too on World Disability Day, was as unbelievable as it was unforgivable. And how typical that khadim e aala’s usual response is already at play – even from Qatar – some policemen suspended, call for an inquiry, much finger-waving; pretty much all that is needed to brush everything under the carpet, Sharif style.

The reaction among much of the press and the people, that the CM – despite his promises of ensuring justice – is part of the problem not the solution, is understandable. He did his reputation no favours by promising to step down “in a second” if the Model Town inquiry implicated him, and taking not even a second to go back on his word. It is no secret that leveraging state muscle is classic Sharif modus-operandi. Model Town was still fresh when the federal government ordered the Red Zone attack, again with unfortunate results. And, interestingly, the Sharifs refused to take responsibility when concerned officers, on occasion, refused use of force unless ordered in writing.

Also, it is incredible that despite repeated embarrassment, the N-league leadership fails to understand that such actions not only strengthen the case of whoever is protesting, but also hurt the government’s image – both at home and abroad. Now the opposition will have another stick to beat the Sharifs with, and the latter will have only themselves to blame. Surely it would have been more sensible to talk to the protesting blind people before beating them up (injuring some), instead of the DCO appreciating their request after the shameful incident. It is now necessary, for once, to follow promises with action. If the leadership cannot listen to legitimate demands of disabled people without their reflex action resort to punishment, how can it accommodate serious political differences? Shahbaz Sharif’s actions in the next few days will tell a lot. Unfortunately, though, if past is any guide, there is little hope for justice.