Women not equal to men: Erdogan


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday declared that women are not equal to men and launched a bitter attack against feminists in Turkey, claiming they reject the concept of motherhood.

Speaking at a summit in Istanbul on justice for women, the devoutly Muslim president said that biological differences between women and men meant they cannot serve the same functions in life.

“Our religion (Islam) has defined a position for women (in society): motherhood,” Erdogan told an audience of Turkish women including his own daughter Sumeyye.

“Some people can understand this, while others can’t. You cannot explain this to feminists because they don’t [not] accept the concept of motherhood.”

He recalled: “I would kiss my mother’s feet because they smelled of paradise. She would glance coyly and cry sometimes. “Motherhood is something else.”

He went on to say that women and men cannot be treated equally “because it is against human nature.”

“Their characters, habits and physiques are different…. You cannot place a mother breastfeeding her baby on an equal footing with men.

“You cannot get women to do every kind of work men can do, as in Communist regimes.

“You cannot tell them to go out and dig the soil. This is against their delicate nature.”

Erdogan was apparently referring to the practise during and after World War II for women in Communist states like the USSR to do heavy manual work in factories or in roles such as tram drivers.

The Islamic-rooted government of Erdogan has long been accused by critics of seeking to erode the country’s secular principles and limiting the civil liberties of women.

Erdogan has also drawn the ire of feminist groups for declaring that every woman in Turkey should have three children and with proposals to limit abortion rights and the morning-after pill.


  1. Erdoghan is merly un doing the blasphemy that kemal mustafa Ataturk did. Turkey has suffered decades of abuse by anti islamic modern day progressionists. Well done i say to erdoghan for bringing a once great empire back to its religious roots. And lets hust hope the feminists understand he is actually offering respect and great status to women. Of course those who have no faith will naturally be offended.

  2. Muslims ( including myself ) want our women to be precious jewels – loved and respected and adored. Infidels want women to be items of lust and capitalist methods of further globalisation ( and there are some susters who understand this ). Lets follow the rashdun, SAW and allahs commands when it comes to gender realisation and treatment. Sadly every1 these days just wants to follow the west, capitalist happiness, and materialist dreams – my sisters, there is so much more. You are all so much better than that.

  3. “You cannot make women and men equal; this is against nature,” Mr Erdoğan told the meeting full of women including his own daughter, Today’s Zaman reported.

    “You cannot subject a pregnant woman to the same working conditions as a man.

    “You cannot make a mother who has to breastfeed her child equal to a man. You cannot make women do everything men do like the communist regimes did…this is against her delicate nature.”

  4. well the headline itself is very deceptive and this newspaper should be shamed of itself & reprimanded for this act. reading it in a detail one can see what he is basically saying which is very right. while the headline is like erdogan saying that men are above women which is obviously not the case nor erdogan ia saying this!!!!

  5. Women can get pregnant without men in today's world. men are worthless and obsolete. Women can now do everything without them. Women physically are no more "delicate" then men and all women should feel degraded that a man would call her such. poor female farmers do not stop working because they are pregnant. Someone is out of touch with reality.

  6. I think its fair to say female farmers wirking during pregnancy is cruel and slave labor. Islam abolished slavery 1000 years ago. USA under abraham lincoln abolished it less than a hundred years ago ( which lead to lincolns assination and a civil war lasting 20 yrs ). I think its faur to say that for those who UNDERSTAND islam – islam is the way of life offering true freedom liberty and justice for all men women and animals alike. Islam need not learn liberty from nations who enslaved half the worlda polulation to feed their capitalist globalisation agendas. Please study islamic history western history and modern economics for a clearer picture of the truth. Al haq

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