Cleansing society


This Saturday Pakistan’s electronic and social media was buzzing with some very bold statements coming from Lahore wherein the ex-Ameer of country’s most influential religious party, Jamat-e-Islami, Syed Munawwar Hassan was stressing upon his party workers that to make the Pakistani society a cleansed one, only Qittal fe Sabeelul Allah (massacre in the name of God) was the way forward. Jamat’ political partner in KP government chose not to comment on this blank cheque for the killing spree which means a tactical nod from Imran Khan’s party. The other two major political parties, Asif Ali Zardari’s Peoples Party and Nawaz Sharif’s Muslim League also came to help Jamat by declaring Munawwar’s statement not representative of Jamat’s policies. There were few others who put up a strong defence in media to excuse Jamat from general public’s agony.

But why should Munawwar be blamed for his frank views, for that’s what Jamat and other religious parties have been propagating and justifying for a long time? Not long ago, Jamat openly praised Osama bin Laden and Hakeem Ullah Mehsud for their martyrdom and in the same breath the Jamat dumped the martyred Pakistani soldiers as ‘merely dead people’. Though Jamat openly insulted the sacrifices of Pakistan Army, no one dared challenge such outburst. Encouraged by that inaction Munawwar has now gone one step forward to openly asking his party workers to cleanse the society.

Can anyone be brave enough to put a stop to this fracturing of the society? Pakistani society has already been ruined by numerous religious and sectarian divides. Religious minorities are regularly targeted by mobs in the name of blasphemy, their places of worship are attacked and destroyed with no one to challenge the terrorists, Hindu girls are forced to convert to Islam along with Hindus and Hazaras fleeing the country. Is this all not enough that Jamat is now vowing to stage open massacre to cleanse the society? Pakistan needs to learn from Bangladesh which has banned all religion based political parties. But Jamat knows very well that it plays an instrumental role in proxy wars across the international borders, which means no one can touch the party and its leadership.


Jubail, Saudi Arabia


  1. I will speak up against Munawar Hassan…he is a terrorist supporter and calls for the violent over through of the government …in any other country he would be considered a traitor…he not only should be ignored but he should be stopped from addressing crowds with his hate speech for democracy and anything western…it is people like Hassan that are dragging Pakistan backward …

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