Pakistan’s natural resources


It is a known fact that Pakistan is one of the richest countries of the world in terms of natural resources. It has been endowed with gigantic reserves of coal, gas, gemstones, copper and gold. Other resources also included oil, iron, titanium and aluminum which unambiguously are a pre-requisite for any growing economy. What, however, is very unfortunate is that these resources have never been fully exploited to the benefit of this nation.

This extremely disappointing state of affairs is caused due to innumerable critical flaws which have led to poor governance of the country, since its inception over six and a half decades ago. None can contest the fact that except for some very brief spells of economic success the country’s development graph has mostly been on the downslide. Continuing political rivalry and instability, constantly deteriorating law and order and rampant corruption have created a deadlock in the development of the country’s natural resources.
In spite of its massive natural resources, Pakistan continues to confront significant trade deficit and its reliance on foreign assistance continues grow by leaps and bounds. Acute energy crisis and rapidly declining foreign investment further add to the burgeoning economic predicaments of the country. Under the present very disappointing scheme of things attainment of the developmental goals of the country would, as always, remain a far cry.
In order to be able to attain its developmental goals successfully and bring significant prosperity to the downtrodden masses of the country, massive overhauling of the existing system of poor governance will have to be done. Sincere and honest endeavors will have to be made to fully exploit the country’s phenomenal natural resources to build up a very strong financial edifice and to drastically reduce its dependence on foreign assistance. Those at the helm of affairs in the country must clearly understand that there can be no compromise at all on these issues of immense importance and concern. If the desired level of progress is to be achieved, if the country is to be steered out of its current gigantic economic predicaments, and if the destiny of the people of Pakistan is to be changed there can be no escape from the facts spelled out above.
It is true that the challenges confronting the country today are daunting, and the predicaments are plentiful, but things definitely will have to change if Pakistan is to prosper and stand out conspicuously in the comity of respected developed nations of the world.


  1. Even the great Qaid e Azam told the nation we are blessed with unlimited natural resources. But the con artists the dhandli squad got hold of the country soon after his demise and have had a field time to thief rob burgle and loot whatever they could lay their dirty hands on and launder it abroad. Fortunately the poor people of this country are beginning to realise and recognise their enemies. The task to rescue the country from their clutches is a huge one. Let us get together and send them packing for good and begin to building and developing a growing prosperous Pakistan.

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