Officially fleeced: New power meters are 30-35 per cent faster than old ones – report

  • LESCO alone has replaced a little less than two million meters in the past two years

In a rare admission of mismanagement and fleecing of people by the power sector, the Prime Minister’s Inspection Commission has observed that distribution companies (Discos) have installed new meters which run at least 30-35 per cent faster than the old ones and that the companies can adjust their speed according to their needs, says a report in a local newspaper.

In a letter — (1(3)/DISCO/S.M/PMIC, dated 22/10/14)) and titled ‘most immediate’ — to the heads of different distribution companies, the prime minister’s commission has warned chief executives of these companies against the issue and sought specific answers to pointed questions regarding the metering and overbilling issues bedevilling the sector, said the report in Dawn.

“Your office must be well-conversant with the issues and unrest caused by overbilling and extra load shedding by your company and employees under your control. In view of the situation, your department has done nothing so far but replacing old meters with new ones (during 2012-13) that run at least 30-35 per cent faster.”

“As observed, fast speed had been adjusted on demand of the company to increase revenue. It has also been learnt that major bulk of meters got defective after a few days (of operation) and give exorbitant readings than the standard speed. Observing the situation, the company adopted a strategy of replacing the defective meters with new ones and correct meters, but the situation has not been improved so far. Many defective meters found slower than standard had not been reported due to apparent reason that benefit goes to the consumers,” the letter says.

In view of the situation, the commission demanded immediate information (for further probe) on nine issues:

“How many old meters have been changed in your jurisdiction in the last two to three years? How much expenditures were incurred on the change of meters? Which companies had supplied these defective meters? Who reported defects in these meters; maintenance department or testing laboratory? How much fast speed noticed than the standard installed already? Who recommended the new meters being installed now? How much budget had been allocated in the last three years (year wise)? Which companies are supplying these meters? Name some testing labs capable to check the capacity of existing meters,” says the letter and directed the CEOs to furnish all required information through return fax.

“Everyone in the sector knows the issue, as well as its extent and depth,” says a former head of the Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO).

He said LESCO alone had replaced a little less than two million meters in the past two years, and its own record had proved the figures. Its August billing this year was a record figure of Rs 27.33 billion — at least Rs5 billion higher than the amount collected in the previous month (July), he added.