Local Government polls


Time to hold them is now

For most politicians in Pakistan democracy means no more than holding of general elections and transfer of power to those elected. There is little realisation that democracy remains imperfect unless it is exercised down to the grass roots level. This explains why no need was felt by governments after 2008 and 2013 elections for Local Bodies polls. The Supreme Court had to remind those in power that they were violating the Constitution by failing to set up the Local Bodies. The governments however continued to invent excuses and make promises to hold the polls which were never fulfilled.

The Local Bodies play a pivotal role in catering to the needs of the common man. With enough funds at their disposal they can undertake development at the local level much better than a provincial or federal administration working through bureaucracy. The military regimes are keen to hold Local Bodies’ elections not because they are fond of devolving power but because these provide them an opportunity to raise a nursery of politicians loyal to them. Military rulers subsequently use the substantial resources at the disposal of the Local Bodies for holding referendums to secure legitimacy for themselves as well as for grooming loyal Parliamentarians.

Unlike the military regimes the political parties seek legitimacy from general elections. Civilian governments perennially complaining of shortage of time at their disposal are keen to ensure that they continue to retain power well beyond their normal tenure. They believe that development funds can provide them extra leverage against political rivals. They subsequently spend those on high profile projects they believe would fetch votes. Alternately the funds are given to party legislators to strengthen their hold on the constituencies.

With the SC cracking the whip the three provincial governments which had avoided the polls have reluctantly agreed to go ahead with them. It is time the Parliamentarians reverted to their real task of making policies and laws rather than roads and schools which are the tasks the LBs can best perform.

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