New initiative by CM Punjab


Purportedly, the Punjab government’s performance is better than other provinces, but the CM Punjab wants to take it to the next level by removing shortcomings of his efficient and effective administration. For this purpose, efforts are afoot to select party loyalists among workers to be appointed as assistants to the CM who will get official cars with free fuel. These aids will be assigned duties of watching the activities of government servants at tehsil and district levels. They will pay surprise visits to field staff, receive public complaints against government functionaries, and forward the same to the CM for taking necessary action (Dawn).

This exercise appears very attractive at a glance, but on close scrutiny it appears to open new doors of corruption by favored party workers. They could blackmail subordinate staff of government employees hurling threat of submitting adverse report against them. Not being elected, they won’t be scared of public backlash also. Moreover, to appoint party workers for watching activities of officers as well as chosen public representatives not only appears to be a personalized system of governance that contradicts all norms of democracy, but also reflects trust deficit in the existing system.

This effort seems remnant of a flawed system of governance adapted by Mian Nawaz Sharif as CM Punjab in 1980’s when party loyalist were made member of market and khidmat committees. That initiative ended in a fiasco. Therefore, instead of distributing favours and privileges to party workers, it would be better for the CM to confide in government officers, appreciate their honest working and take drastic action in case of failure without any discrimination.





    I want to draw the kind attention of MIAN NAWAZ SHARIF that I am one of the 75 years old aged citizen of Pakistan and a serious patient of Heart, Ashtama , Sugar , Backbone etc .

    I had paid my all Phone bills at NADRA KIOSK CENTRE IQBAL TOWN Rawalpindi But in spite of paying my phone bills every month , the PTCL has illegally disconnected my phone connection since September 2014.

    I think that it is the REAL INSANIYAT which is existed in this Islamic country of Pakistan in order to give severe & intensive mental worries and troubles to old aged citizens of Pakistan and specially to all those citizens who are serious patients of Heart, Ashtama, sugur and others dseases etc and who already are lying in near death beds.

    If FRAUDY NADRA KIOSKS CENTRES ( which are Mostly owned by Employees and relatives of Nadra) has not submitted the Statements of Paid BILLS to concerned Utilities Departments , then what was my fault and why PTCL has disconnected my Phone Connection and why PTCL is changing ID ACCOUNTS of phone customers every month which resulted the non posting of phone bills in the ledgers of PTCL officially record?

    MA (Political ScienceI
    Press Essay writer
    CNIC NO= 61101-6446639-9
    PHONE NO=DISCONNECTED in spite of paying of BILLS
    Dated 27-10-2014


    Similarly most of the others consumers are also complaining about such similar complaints that in spite of paying their utilities bills at Nadra Kiosks , the utilities departments ie WAPDA, PTCL, SNGPL, etc always disconnect their connections in order to upsetting the consumers Because all the inefficient cruel and corrupted officers of such public dealing departments are seemed to belong to NON-BLOODED NEECH KHANDAN FAMILIES. I have not ever seen any GOOD officer in any Public dealing department during my 75 years of whole life since 1942 .

    Similarly On others side, I have not seen any good government in Pakistan (only except 11 years good government of Field MARSHAL MUHAMMAD AYUB KHAN) who have Ever imagined to take any drastic action against all inefficient and cruel officers of all utilitilities departments of pakistan
    , it is always observed in this Islamic country of Pakistan that our all past and present government has never taken any drastic action against all chairman and their corrupted officers of Nadra, Scheduled Banks and Utilities Departments for the purpose of to set right the working position of all such public dealing departments of pakistan and to teach IBRATNAK LESSONS to others cruel and corrupted officers of this Islamic country of Pakistan .
    I think that cruel chairmen and their senseless officers of all departments are not fearing from ALLAH and the severe AAZAB OF THE ALLAH whichthe will be revealed very soon in their graves.
    Hence in the views of the abovementioned facts, I will request to Mian Nawaz Sharif Prime Minister of Pakistan that if it is an Islamic country of Pakistan, then kindly take drastic action against all such cruel and corrupted officers of these public dealing departments FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH AND FOR THE SAKE OF INSANIYAT because these cruel and most inefficient offcers are not the tue Muslims and these officers are not fearing from ALLAH and the SEVERE AAZAB OF THE ALLAH WHICH WILL BE REVEALED UPON THEM IN THEIR GRAVES SOON AFTER DEATH.
    These officers of such utilities departments are not only upsetting the people of paks but also harming the most popular government of PML(N) in losing the votes banks of PML(N).

    Now I will not get restore my phone connection till the imposing of Martial Law or revealing of AAZAB OF ALLAH UPON both Chairman of NADRA & PTCL.

    Hence it is my prediction that inshallah SEVERE AAZAB OF THE ALLAH WILL be revealed soon upon both chairman of PTCL and NADRA and they both will be died within three months by the AAZAB of the ALLAH. The coming time will prove truthness of my this PREDICTION
    But it is better that both chairman NADRA AND PTCL should fear from ALLAH and should mend their bad cruelty minds in their own interests.
    It is also the responsibility of the Islamic government of Pakistan to set right the working position of all the government Departments of this islamic country of Pakistan in the best interest of Pakistan and should maintain INSANIYAT in this Islamic country of Pakistan .

    I hope that our popular Prime Minister of Pakistan MIAN NAWAZ SHARIF, who is one of the most respected , sincere and a true
    MUSLIM Leader of Pakistan will surely set right the working position of all government departments of Pakistan and in future ,no any cruel officer should dare to harm old aged citizens and specially serious Heart patients of Pakistan.

    That on performing this most noble type of excellent task, The ALLAH will be pleased very much and ALLAH will surely help Mian Nawaz Sharif to serve the people of Pakistan in most fairly
    And in efficiently ways and to rule this Islamic country of Pakistan for ever
    MA (Political ScienceI
    Press Essay writer
    CNIC NO= 61101-6446639-9
    PHONE NO=DISCONNECTED in spite of paying of BILLS
    Dated 27-10-2014

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