Divided we fall


It pains me to affirm the fact that in bearing the brunt of political procrastination at the hands of our so called national leaders, the Pakistani nation has indeed divided. Unity which was supposed to be our highest moral, our most treasured virtue seems to be almost non-existent. And this time this division is not brought about by the evil influence of some external forces, instead our very own leaders who claim to be champions of nationalism are to be blamed for this. The status quo in Pakistan presents a grim scenario. On one hand we have happy Pakistanis and their apathetic leaders whose sit-ins are marred by nothing besides dances, melodies and reiteration of claims which are baseless and for which no evidences are provided.

Demanding a change, claiming to bring a revolution they believe that they represent the entire nation even when they do not have the time to say a few words, let alone do anything for the flood victims of our country. While on the other hand we have people who are the victims of the devastating floods which wreaked havoc and consequently swept away their homes, their families and their lives. But, the irony of the situation is that the self-crowned champions of democracy have no time to visit the flood affected areas to show their solidarity with their fellow Pakistanis nor do they have the heart to collect some donations for the flood victims.

They claim to be national leaders and accuse others of holding prejudices but a little soul searching will reveal to them their very own apathetic side, a side which will shame them if they possess even a grain of humanity. Had they been really loyal to Pakistanis, they would have immediately called off their sit-in and directed all their efforts to dealing with this national crisis along with the government or independently. However, they were unmoved. This very attitude of theirs reveal their power greedy agendas which has blinded them and dehumanised them. Promising to bring a change, they did bring one but all for the worst. They succeeded in dividing us as a nation. It is high time that we recognise that we are doomed in following such hollow leaders.

