Polio no more


Over 700,000 children to be administered polio drops under drive to commence from today

A five-day campaign in Rawalpindi district to administer polio drops to over 700,000 children will start from August, 25 (Monday).

According to Health Executive District Officer (EDO) Dr Zafar Iqbal Gondal negligence on part of vaccination teams will not be tolerated at any cost and strict action will be taken against the officials concerned.

During the campaign, 1,365 teams would go door-to-door and administer polio drops to the children under five years of age. Moreover, 350 static centres for vaccination would also be set up, he added. He said, a comprehensive strategy has been devised for effective monitoring and appealed to parents to cooperate with the mobile teams.

Special teams would also administer anti-polio drops to the children of visitors and tourists in public parks, bus stands, railway station and airport in the district. He said that officials concerned have been directed to make all out efforts so that the campaign could be made a success.


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