‘Lucrative projects will attract French investment’



Pakistan-France bilateral trade and economic cooperation would increase with frequent exchange of trade delegations from both sides, said FPCCI President Zakaria Usman during a meeting with the Consul General of France Francois Dall’orso who visited Federation House in Karachi to meet Usman and other office bearers.
During the meeting, which was also attended by FPCCI Senior Vice President Shaukat Ahmed and FPCCI Vice President Sheikh Imtiaz Ahmed, the FPCCI president said that the bilateral trade and economic cooperation between Pakistan and France would increase with the enhancement of people-to-people contact through frequent exchange of trade delegation from both ends.
Usman further said that Pakistan had a trade potential in many sectors particularly in textile, leather, sports and surgical sectors. Pakistan was also fifth largest milk producing country in the world. Besides, Pakistan’s pharmaceutical sector has also great potential for France.
He further said that the current government is also keen to resolve the problem of energy shortage so that our industrial sector could run in full capacity. He expressed his hope that after two year the problem of energy would be resolved. He requested the Consul General of France to assist FPCCI in exploring the French market by organizing Pakistan’s Single Country Exhibition in France.

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