How things got to this point?


Everybody is to blame

The first factor is the government’s arrogance. The majority seats that it got in the national assembly in May 2013 elections made the PML-N lose its head. The party’s leadership claimed that no one had the right to evaluate its performance or criticise it before the completion of its tenure. It refused to lend an ear to Imran’s complaints about rigging soon after the polls. As his demands increased with the passage of time, the PML-N leadership appointed three federal and a Punjab province minister to shout him down. The pinpricks on their part created more bad blood. The PTI had got the second largest votes and has emerged as the third largest party in the national assembly. It would have been appropriate to take note of Khan’s complaints and try to redress them promptly.

The system of governance has also contributed to the confrontation. Initially what Imran wanted was a re-evaluation of results through verification of thumb impressions in four constituencies. The delay in addressing Khan’s demands indicates that there are serious problems in the system of governance which lacks an ability to effectively respond to discontent and complaints. Reportedly the government is now meditating an amendment to the Representation of Peoples Act (ROPA) 1976 to empower the Election Commission to direct tribunals – something not currently provided for under the legal framework. This handicaps the commission, especially in cases where tribunals violate the law by handing out unnecessary adjournments. The step being considered could have been taken months back if there had been a will

Imran Khan too is responsible for escalating the confrontation. Finding Nawaz Sharif’s popularity falling like a stone in Punjab on account of the power crisis and PML-N government’s relations with the military strained, Imran Khan thinks this is the time to strike. He wants to remove the government by bringing a million activists to Islamabad. He forgets that someone might lead a million-plus a year after the next government fails to deliver, as it must in a single year’s time.


  1. It's all-round bad performance. Electoral process needs to be revisited. Not possible under an arrangement of turns between PML (N), PPP, MQM. So some such trouble is bound to be there.

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