Zulfikarabad Project threat to mangroves forest


The IUCN Pakistan’s national committee members expressed concern over the negative impact of Zulfikarabad Project on country’s largest mangroves forest and pleaded for an adequate environmental impacts assessment of the project.

The national committee comprising representatives from different civil society groups and activists working for protection of natural resources and environment Monday noted that the country’s largest mangroves reserves along the Thatta coast were at risk due to the Zulfikarabad Project.

In a statement, they acknowledged the importance of development but highlighted that the protection of a delicate mangroves ecosystem environment was equally important, especially in the case of the largest mangroves forest of Pakistan.

They also took exception to the issue of nuclear plant which is in close proximity to Karachi, the largest city of the country. The members of the IUCN Pakistan national committee opined though extreme energy need of the country was of prime importance, the safety of the people could not be ignored.

They also expressed their solidarity with the IDPs from North Waziristan Agency (NWA) and commended the relief work by the NGOs and the government agencies in the time of need.


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