23 mosques declared sensitive this Eid





Sources said that 23 mosques and Eidul Fitr gatherings have been declared sensitive in the face of prospective reaction against ongoing military operation Zarb-e-Azb and terrorist acts.

Directives have been issued to put security high alert wherein police commandoes will be deployed on these mosques during Eid prayers.

These mosques and gathering are Sports complex Liaqat Bagh Eidgah, Serajia Park, Asghar Mall School, Municipal Football Ground, Muslim High School, Behbud Ground, children park near ASF camps, Zikria Mosque, Ali Masjid New Town, Jamia Arabia Kamran Market, Darbar Shah Piara, Imam bargah Qadeemi, Shah Chan Cheragh, Central Imam Bargah Gujar Khan.