Gilani vs PPP


Untimely, indiscreet and uncalled for

The problem with human memory is that it is sometime short and often selective. People tend to forget important events and when recalling them, years later, try to reconstruct what happened in the past in the light of their present day requirements. Gilani is thus being contradicted by some of the top PPP leaders over an alleged understanding regarding Musharraf’s future.

Gilani has stated that an understanding had been reached between the establishment, his government and PMLN to provide Musharraf an honourable exit if he resigned. Interestingly, Gilani forgot to raise the issue when the PML-N decided to indict Musharraf months back leading some to suggest that the sudden revival of memory has something to do with his recent grievances against the government. Gilani’s claim has been contradicted promptly by senators Raza Rabbani and Farhatullah Babar, besides others. Babar’s statement indicates that the former prime minister and the former president have divergent views about the matter. According to Babar, Musharraf resigned not on account of any understanding but because he was told that preparations had been made and agreement reached with the PML-N to impeach him if he did not resign.

Gilani has castigated the PML-N government for conducting Musharraf’s trial which, according to him, is against the alleged understanding. Both Babar and Raza Rabbani however maintain that PPP wanted the PML-N government to take the trial to its logical conclusion.

Gilani’s statement is untimely, indiscreet and uncalled for. Instead of being of any use to the PPP it has led to a situation where the former PM is being publicly challenged by the top party leadership. Among other things the statement has elicited strong reaction from former allies that include ANP and JUIF. PML-N ministers Pervaiz Rashid and Saad Rafiq maintain that their party had nothing to do with the understanding the former prime minister was talking about.

After losing the election the PPP faces a hard task ahead. However instead of strengthening the party through display of unity the party leaders are indulging in the luxury of contradicting one another in public.