WB approves Sindh Agricultural Growth Project


The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved on Monday the Sindh Agricultural Growth Project in the amount of US$ 76.4 million.

The project aims to improve the productivity and market access of small and medium producers in important commodity value chains. The project would benefit approximately 112,000 farmers covering over 66,000 hectares.

The project intends to achieve this objective by investing in knowledge and technology for producers and sub-sectors of crops and livestock, and strengthening public sector institutions to enhance the enabling environment for sustained sectoral growth.

“The project is envisaged to be a significant investment towards inclusive growth by prioritizing support to small and medium sized producers who are trying to compete in horticulture markets”, said World Bank Country Director for Pakistan Rachid Benmessaoud.

“Investing in horticulture offers the best potential for increased small producer incomes, new employment opportunities in production and processing, improved resource productivity, and enhanced micronutrient availability in the market.”