Only democracy can save Pakistan, says Rabbani


PPP leader says much damage has already been inflicted to the constitution, state institutions and laws

Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Raza Rabbani on Friday said only democracy could lead and save Pakistan.

Addressing a press conference at the Karachi Press Club (KPC), Rabbani emphasised the merits of federal democracy as mentioned in the Constitution.

Rabbani said a dictatorship does not recognise the core principle of federal democracy, which is “unity through diversity”, or the multi-ethnic complexion of our society, and imposes a unitary structure that leads to fragmentation.

“A democratic system encourages dialogue, debate, accommodation, tolerance and confines conflict by providing mechanisms and institutions under the law,” the PPP leader said.

According to Rabbani, much damage had already been inflicted to the Constitution, state institutions and laws.

“Corruption, nepotism, sectarianism, lawlessness, crime, drug abuse, economic disparity and economic mismanagement have all made it difficult for the common man to earn his daily living.”

“The democratic system in Pakistan may not have come without flaws, it may be sluggish with a smack of bad governance, yet let there be no misconception,” Rabbani said, adding that Pakistan must surmount and move forward.

He also presented a 15-point “Benazir Bhutto Model to Democratic Transition” which included three major segments entitled Constitution-Federalism, Civil-Military relations-Governance and Fundamental Rights Society.

Elaborating the first point, he said that charter of democracy should be revisited to bring new covenant among democratic forces, reaffirming federal and parliamentary structures in 1973 Constitution, commitment on federalism and devolution under 1973 constitution and make sure supremacy of parliament.

Explaining second segment, Rabbani said that civil and military relations should be redefined and process of dialogue and development be formed at executive and parliamentary levels, shun ad-hocism and develop good governance system including civil services reforms, ensure independence of judiciary and create national consensus against intolerance and terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

For third segment, he said that the government should protect rights of minorities, women and children, economic and political rights of working and middle class, ensure implementation of Article 38 of 1973 constitution and develop balance in quota system and merit in providing jobs.

He urged upon rights for education to every child, academic freedom and respect of autonomy for universities and rights for provinces to make changes in curriculum especially in history subject. He called for promoting regional cultures and freedom of press through safeguarding rights of working journalists.

He also demanded 50 per cent ownership for federal and provincial governments on mineral oil and natural gas reserves.